My niece... What a beautiful woman you have quickly become.  How you have grown from the sweet little angel you once were, into a blooming beautiful young lady.  Your eyes speak love, your soul speaks truth. Your heart speaks so clearly who you are and what you have and are becoming.  I am so blessed to have you as a part of my life daily, and to share with you the growth of becoming who you are. You are somewhat wild, never change that, it is part of your beauty... What a beautiful family you now have. Your son, my great nephew with the looks of both his mother and father. A beautiful family indeed you now have.  Never doubt, no matter where you are.....I will always love you Cherokee.......
Somewhere, somehow, it is possible to hold someone, to touch someone, and never let go again. To hold someone in your heart has never been for a moment.  For you to hold it is forever. That shall be the way I will forever hold you in my soul.  Forever.  Like beautiful angels that touch us daily, so shall I touch you.........