All grown up now.  A married man with his own family.  Such a beautiful couple you make.
How was I to know when you brought this frail girl home, that one day she would be your wife, the mother of my precious grandchildren ?
The 2 of you have turned out to be wonderful parents, beating all the odds that were against you.  Loving your own chilren in a way I never thought possible.  You were mere children yourself, yet you have proven time & time agian you can win.  You can win through and with the love you have for one another.  Never shall a day go by that I will not be proud of what you have done.  I will always be here, loving both of you.  Anna thank you for taking my baby & loving him with all you have, thank you for giving to me 2 beautiful grandchildren. You are a very special woman indeed......
Nothing is impossible in this world we live in. Children can grow to be beautiful adults, giving so much to us. Growing older, moving away, but there is always something there that will bond them to one another as well as to their families.
Look into the sky and see all that life can offer to you, an angel is here upon earth waiting to help to guide you in all that you do.  Know that like an angel, you are as well an angel, giving so much in return: Your love.........